CSU Stumo is...

Thats a hard question to fully answer, but I’ll do my best: community, development, fun, and what you want to have an amazing college experience. We are a student group at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, CO. CSU Stumo is a place to develop in your spiritual life, leadership, and friendships.  If you meet a student involved with us you'll probably want to be their friend, because our students are amazing! The community at Stumo makes it really easy to make good friends quickly. Our goal on campus is to add value and help where we can. We do that with our large group meeting, leadership development curriculum, and small groups. We would love to have you involved in any capacity, whether you come to large group once or you're on our leadership team. We see a need to help answer questions about Faith that you need answered and we also see a need to help the next generation of leader start developing now. That is what we are on campus to do. We would love to meet you and have you be a part of CSU Stumo!

Taylor Coye

-Campus Director-